Good Morning Viewer
20 September 2017
Excellent entertainment guaranteed to get the weepy eyes out and the warm and fuzzies too. This movie reminds me of Goodbye Mr. Chips which was good but I thought they could have done more in that movie to stress the point of all the good Mr. Chips the teacher did. Here, they do just that via flashbacks which are highly entertaining and give good background to the story-telling. In a Twilight Zone episode titled "The Changing of the Guard", they also capture the theme of this movie quite well so if you like either example I gave you will love this movie as it takes its place among them. A couple of those flashbacks had me in tears as you realize that those people are you or someone you know who cannot only use a helping hand but also allow us all to contribute to a better world one person at a time. Who hasn't gotten to where they are today without help of some kind? Imagine if you turned that principal up a few notches. That's what is going on here only someone donates their life (literally) to the theme. Good investment by my tally. Good supporting cast too with familiar faces that became famous in their own time. The virtues acted out and displayed in this move are numerous. Humility, sacrifice, service, hope, charity, unconditional love, honesty and commitment all come on the screen throughout this movie and make their points. We are also reminded not to base everything we do solely on money outcomes but instead to invest in the bigger picture of life that build character and joins the everlasting properties into eternity. I am also reminded of the many who we don't hear about, who stay in the shadows doing their share of good happy to do so and going unnoticed for it but perfectly content and satisfied. Why? The simplest answer is found in a well known scripture that keeps teaching us this principal: When you did it to the least of them, you did it to me. I know you. Come forward faithful steward. That's all that counts in the end is that you are recognized by the one who sent you here just for that purpose. Good movie to snack with plus a tasty drink, Kleenex on standby and bring an open heart so your soul can be cleansed too. Enjoy! I did!
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