House of Cards: Chapter 59 (2017)
Season 5, Episode 7
False Alarm
13 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
After jumping forward in time earlier in the season and moving at an incredibly fast pace, the last few episodes have really slowed the pace to a halt (so much so that we hang out in a bunker for the majority of this episode). The special Presidential election seems as if its been looming on the horizon forever and there feels like there's no end in sight.

That being said, I did enjoy this episode. The writers may have slowed it down but they've done it for a reason. We can really start to feel the tension that this election has placed on all parties involved. Conway's one breakdown away from the loonie bin, the Underwood's are practically in an arm wrestling match over Oval Office control, and we can just see Doug's world and work crumbling around him as Hammerschmidt gains more evidence in the conspiracy.

A new player has seemed to enter the game as well. Who is this Jane Davis? Its too early to get a good read on her but she seems compelling and Patricia Clarkson is a nice addition to the cast.

How will Yates' infidelity affect Claire as we move forward? She doesn't readily display her emotions but I have a feeling that it will break her heart more than we'll ever know once she inevitably finds out.

We're hitting the midway point of the season and there are lots of compelling story lines for us to watch. This election is obviously the main plot line and ironically it is the most muddled and confusing. It seems like a whole lot of political jargon gets tossed around regarding it but it's hard to grasp the full picture as a viewer. I think this is intentional. The Underwood's have created chaos, so much so that even the viewer can't see it fully. This may clear up as we draw to the end if the season, time will tell.
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