#Realityhigh (2017)
13 September 2017
SO I was worried about watching this because sometimes movies with a designated bad girl are very frustrating and infuriating, but this was great. I think it really did a good job representing the millennial generation. The main character was so adorable and so was her romantic counterpart, both were completely unproblematic individuals and it was fun to root for them. I liked how they didn't show the male characters as stereotypical douchebags like they usually do. Yes some things were kind of cliché and corny but thats inevitable with chick flicks, overall it was well executed. I gave it a 10 mainly because I felt the score it has now is really unfair. Really it probably should be a 9 because 10 should be saved for more life changing movies. Anyway I have never wrote a review before but I always read reviews before watching movies, this time I watched the movie first then checked out the reviews and saw it only had 5 stars. I thought, how unfair! I may have been kept from this wonderful movie if I had seen the reviews first. So I want to prevent that from happening to other people.
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