#Realityhigh (2017)
Was this a joke cause I didn't get it...
11 September 2017
Who thought this movie was a good idea in 2017?? I mean, how many times has this kind of storyline been done not just in movies but in TV shows, books, etc.?? I just couldn't take it seriously at all and I hope that whoever else watches this movie has enough sense not to either (& especially if you're a kid or teen...for the love of God do not let movies like these - or any for that matter - tell you how your high school experience is/isn't supposed to be)

Edit: I just realized that Dani "I'm not like the other girls" Barnes' friend who's supposed to play the quintessential sidekick who gets friendzoned for the popular jock is wearing a fedora...a FEDORA. If the person who wrote this movie sees this (and i mean this in the nicest way) please re-evaluate your life choices. Do it for the kids.
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