Review of The Beguiled

The Beguiled (2017)
The 1971 version was way much more interesting and thrilling
10 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Yesterday I watched the remake of The beguiled and I found it much less impressive than the film made in 1971, but I couldn't remember so well the older version because I watched it more or less 20 years ago so I decided to watch it today to make a comparison. I find that the new version was completely spoiled by PC fanaticism. I don't understand why Sofia Coppola left out Hallie the slave, slavery was a key point on the American Civil war and Hallie was an important character with lots of interesting dialogues. She also left out the scenes of the crush between the soldier and Amy, the 12 years old girl in order to not shock people with paedophilia. The incestuous memories of Martha were also left out. In summary, she impoverished the characters, their relationships and their thoughts to avoid shocking PC people and replaced the interesting varied characters by a group of pretty blondes. The first version is much more thrilling and interesting. It's a shame that now with much better make up and photography the core of the film was spoiled.
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