If you like The Room, watch this film. If you don't like The Room, watch this film.
10 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
On the 9th of September, Greg Sestero and Tommy Wiseau did a Q&A before the test screening of Best F(r)iends. A man got up and asked Sestero what inspired him to write the film. He replied that he felt no one had given Tommy the right part to play. He also told us not to expect The Room, and so I watched the film with a blank slate and tried not to make any assumptions.

Best F(r)iends right from the beginning is a superb. Straight from the start, you are thrown into an emotional roller-coaster. Jon (Sestero) is homeless and is looking for money. Harvey (Wiseau) sees him from his car day after day and eventually offers him an unusual job. The two form an unlikely friendship. I will not spoil more than that, only to say that the film is much more complex than my simple summary and has so many different layers and a surprising story. What Sestero has written is truly original and unlike any film I have seen before, and when Sestero said he wanted to write the right role for Wiseau, he surely succeeded in doing so. What he's written is a work of art. It is coherent and it is beautiful.

Forget what you may have thought about them from The Room: the characters in Best F(r)iends are utterly convincing and show two different but very real sides of humanity. Both Sestero and Wiseau's acting is phenomenal, gripping, and realistic. MacGregor's directing is fantastic. The filming and scenery is gorgeous.

You will finish the film and you will want more.
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