Nice little film.
4 September 2017
A couple who work together growing weed face the end of the season with an uncertain future when it is revealed that one of them is pregnant.

This is a nice film. A little slow and confusing at first, but it's basically a nice sweet love story. The lead actor, Chris Chalk, is one of those guys you've seen in that thing. Definitely not a lightweight. Has played many different roles in 12 Years a Slave and several episodes of critically acclaimed television. I don't recognize the actress, but apparently she's no lightweight either. The story is easy to follow and it has a feel good sort of ending to it. And I think the unspoken thing it says is that it portrays a very normal, happy, relatively conflict free inter-racial relationship...involved in what used to be a criminalized business. Maybe I should have left that unspoken, but it's hard to miss. The more I think about it, the more I like it. I recommend it.
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