The Flash: Infantino Street (2017)
Season 3, Episode 22
Hard to suspend disbelief
1 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
While I overall liked this episode, there was one thing that really took me out of it and made the final death hard to stomach.

They've discovered that Barry and Savitar share their memories, great. They come up with the genius idea to NOT tell Barry where they're hiding Iris because if he knows then Savitar knows. All is good with the plan, and I was left thinking wow how can Savitar find Iris on Earth-2?!

Well how Savitar finds out is the most illogical part of the whole episode. Barry and Captain Cold get the power source and Barry supposedly speeds into star labs to let them know he was successful. He asks how things are going, and HR just IMMEDIATELY BLURTS OUT that Iris is safe on Earth-2 with Harrison Wells.

Then gasp, they discover it's not Barry it's Savitar. Uh oh!

WHAT?! They play it off the rest of the episode like oh it was a mistake any of us could make, we were tricked, etc. But that makes zero sense. Even if they thought it was Barry, literally the whole plan was don't tell Barry where Iris is because then Savitar knows. So HR's mistake was forgetting the whole plan and just yelling the location of the one person they're supposed to protect? Was that really what they were getting at? Are they trying to say the whole plot is contingent on one person just being a complete idiot?

It was hard to watch the rest after this. All of it could have possibly been easy to prevent, just don't tell Savitar or Barry where Iris is.

This hole in logic unfortunately threw me down the rabbit hole of other obvious ways they could have saved Iris:

1) they discover in this exact episode that ARGUS has a massive facility where there is A POWER DAMPENER. Lyla seems like she wants to help but didn't want to give away really dangerous tech. Why not put Iris in the building and let them protect her? Savitar wouldn't have his powers. Even better, pick the same building on another earth. Good luck finding that!

2) Why not take Iris ANYWHERE else? Cisco can open a portal to anywhere in any universe. I mean come on. Talk about a needle in a haystack. How about a super secret base in super high tech universe that Barry doesn't even know about? Then don't tell him. Even if you accidentally blurted it out he wouldn't know exactly where it is.

Overall I think the build up to this episode was great, and the season plot is great. I also think killing Iris is the right move so we really feel like wow they can't fix this. But if they just used a little more logic for how Savitar found her, this would have been perfect. I was more than willing to accept the whole philosopher stone stops the bazooka thing just not how she was found.
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