The X-Files: William (2002)
Season 9, Episode 16
"What is true and what we want to be true aren't always the same."
30 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I hadn't mentioned it in any of my prior reviews, but have you noticed that the pair of twins (James and Travis Riker) that are used in the series to portray Baby William, they always seem to make the right move or have just the right expression for whatever scene they're in? Those kids are great actors and don't even know it.

With the suggestion that Baby William was put up for adoption by Scully in the teaser was a bit of a puzzler for this viewer, making me think ahead to wonder what motivation there might have been for her to make the decision. I thought the writing for this episode and David Duchovny's direction made the story seem plausible, but I can't help thinking how it was so out of character for Scully after everything she'd been through. Seriously, if the aliens or any mere Earthling wanted to track down the adopted William, based on everything we've come to learn in the X-Files, they could and would obviously get to him, no matter how remote his new home might be.

But at least the story line was consistent with what we saw with the death of Super Soldier Shadow Man in 'Trust No 1'. The elevated iron found in the blood of Baby William after he'd been injected by Miller/Spender (Chris Owens) paid tribute to the iron compound in the quarry where Shadow Man met his doom. As to how Jeffrey Spender survived his death at the hands of his father, The Cigarette Smoking Man', well, let's just chalk it up to one of the things the X-Files is noted for.

Well I didn't think the show could possibly jump the shark any more than it did in 'Jump the Shark', but they did it here with Scully giving up Baby William. I was all ready to see the buffalo mobile spin around when the story closed despite what the story revealed, but that was not to be. Just as well, with just three shows left in Season Nine, we didn't need to see a tiny tyke super soldier story line.
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