Solid execution, a success overall
29 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
If you take a look at the really long title "Lego Marvel Super Heroes: Avengers Reassembled" here, then you can easily guess correctly what to expect here. There are many Lego Star Wars films, the recent Lego Batman film may be a contender at the Oscars and it would of course only be a question of time until an Avengers Lego movie comes out. This is it. It is relatively short at 22 minutes only, but it features all the Avengers as they go up against Ultron who managed to gain control over Iron Man's suits and causes a lot of mayhem this way with what you could call a group of soldiers almost. But Thor, Spider-Man, Captain America and the others are ready to fight Ultron. Visually, this is definitely a success. The heroes look as good as one hoped for, especially Hulk of course. But I'd have hoped for a better plot about the green monster really and same can be said about Black Widow who very forgettable here, maybe the most disappointing character. Not much girl power in here. Anyway, I am generally not the biggest Lego animation fan for sure, but despite my personal dislike for the style I managed to appreciate the outcome here. Silvestri and Hoffmeier did a good job as a whole. Not a bad film, not a great film, overall a pretty decent watch and if you love Lego and the Avengers, then it is probably a must-see.
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