Much ado about nothing...except the joy of watching Cary Grant
28 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
As several reviewers have pointed out, this is somewhat of a remake of a Cary Grant film from 1943 -- "The More The Merrier"...which had a better cast and was more cleverly done. I'm sorry to say that there's little reason to watch this film, other than for the joy of watching Cary Grant. However, the second half of the film has more life to it than the first half, and you will laugh at Cary Grant running down the street in his undershorts.

It's basically a one joke film. Two men and a woman rooming together. Nothing new here. Yes, occasionally some clever dialog, but just as often a joke carried way too far, way too long, such as the using the bathroom schedule. Been there, done that, both in the "original" and in any number of television shows.

But you still have Cary Grant. And it's fun just watching and listening to him.

Because it's not a very good film, it's regrettable that this was Grant's last role. I really wish he had slowly faded off into the sunset, occasionally accepting screen roles or cameos, rather than just pretty much disappearing from the public consciousness. But, his body of film work will never fade from the history of American cinematography. He was something special, even if this film was nothing special.
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