Nice attempt
26 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A movie with a deep message, freedom, the want of freedom, the desire for freedom and how sometimes these desires might lead up to something you never bargained for.

In our side of the globe there are two worlds, a world which is too open and a world which is too conservative. The later part tends to be inspire by the open world but don't release its horrors.

Freedom to do anything is a natural law, one should have all the what heart desires and experience is one of it.

This movie is about such women living in a rather too conservative environment. Such environment leading up to frustration to do things which due to their culture they cannot be expressive about.

Yes i would have love to see a little more in the end, when their identities were open.

Back to back wonderful performances by all Female Actors. A nice watch but with a strong lesson.
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