Star Trek takes a step into the future
24 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
As crazy as my title sounds, it's actually very apt..., looking back at the original Star Treks, they're starting to look old, for a futuristic show it sure is like stepping back into the past. However, with Star Trek Beyond, the Star Trek universe looks futuristic once again, spectacular action sequences and outlandish locations..., this is the Star Trek we all thought we loved, but it's only now we can actually say we love it.

Where no man has gone before..., until now, the crew of the starship enterprise is attacked by a gang of unknown aliens, rendering them stranded on an exotic planet unknown to the federation..., many of the lesser crew perish, but our heroes survive albeit getting split up and separated in the process.

What follows is a very modern action/sci-fi flick that is attractive to the casual viewer, but somewhat alienates the die hard Trekkie's..., less Star Trek, more modern blockbuster..., obviously the casual viewer isn't clever enough to keep up with the gist of "real" Star Trek, so it's toned down a lot.

The casting is pretty much the same as the previous two films in the series, albeit this was the last film ever made by the late Anton Yelchin who plays the ever reliable Mr. Chekov..., where the series goes from here is a mystery; they can either stay faithful to the original series by replacing Yelchin with a new Chekov, or they can throw the book out of the window and kill the character off completely, either way the next film will suffer from fan backlash.

Did I enjoy Beyond or didn't I? Difficult question, if it were a stand alone film then yes I enjoyed it very much, but as it's part of the Star Trek universe, I can honestly say I was very disappointed, as a life long Trekkie I don't like how they're trying to make the series mainstream..., Star Trek has a cult following and should appeal only to it's true fans, not the wider audience.

My personal favourite was Captain Kirk played by the amazing Chris Pine, the guy at least embodied the spirit of William Shatner, giving an extra kick to the iconic character, making him new again and breathe again, while staying true to the original, for that I can't fault the actor..., just a shame the film's crew didn't share the same sentiment.

Yes Star Trek Beyond is most certainly deserved of a watch, as a casual viewer you'll love it, as a true Trekkie you won't, a bit like marmite to be honest.
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