Nocturama (2016)
Warnings, My Rating and Thoughts
22 August 2017
This film truly lives up to its description as a thriller. For much of the first part, and almost all of the second, I was biting my nails and sitting on the edge of my seat. Additionally, the scenery is very beautiful as it takes place in Paris and then an extravagant department store. My thoughts are these: Firstly: BE WARNED if you don't speak French. I do, so I could understand without the subtitles. However, my friend who was sitting next to me often had to ask for translation because she didn't understand what was happening, due to the fact that the subtitles are often inaccurate. As in, whole chunks of dialogue just left out. Secondly: A few of the other reviews mention how the terrorist's motives are unclear (as in, we have no idea why they did what they did). However, I didn't see this as a flaw: It allows you think about possible motives and identify with the characters more easily. Thirdly: For anyone who cares: I would rate this movie R (it's not rated last time I checked) for: Cursing (In French and English) Some nudity (two butts) Violence - not for the sake of being violent though.

Overall though, I really enjoyed this movie. I am still thinking about it for days afterword.. a good adjective is PROVOCATIVE. Don't be scared away by the long run time - it wasn't boring at all. Bonus points if you speak French, that would definitely help your understanding.
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