The X-Files: Essence (2001)
Season 8, Episode 20
"The child she is carrying is very special."
22 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I see other reviewers using the term 'super soldier' quite freely but the term hasn't been mentioned yet in any of the Season Eight programs. When I was watching the X-Files back in the day, I stopped with the end of Season Seven because of the controversy around David Duchovny having a limited presence, or possibly none at all. Actually, he turned up in almost all of the shows in the latter half of the season, even if his tenure as Mulder with the FBI was on a revolving door headed out.

So we knew something wasn't quite right with Billy Miles (Zachary Ansley), he of the gross skin shedding scene in 'Deadalive', and now one of those lethal 'super soldiers'. He's turned into a type of alien, a human replacement with a one track mind to eliminate Scully's baby before it's born. Alex Krycek (Nicholas Lea) shows up as an unlikely ally, switching loyalties much like he did with The Syndicate after the Smoking Man tried to put him away. All of this stuff will be moot once I finish watching the series, because who can remember all the switcheroos that took place along the way?

This one ends with another nod to The Terminator series of films when Mulder pushes Billy off a roof top into a trash compactor about to do the old crunch on him. Not to worry though, there's another replicant on hand with FBI Agent Crane (Kirk B.R. Roller). But wait, he's not trying to harm Scully or her baby, instead he helps her make a getaway. See what I mean? Even if you have a scorecard, it's pretty hard to keep track of the players and what they're doing.
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