The things these rich folk get up to
22 August 2017
Good title, eh? I thought this would turn out to be some sort of obscure classic like Il Demonia or Spider Labyrinth, but it turns out to be some sort of obscure snore fest with a great soundtrack. And there's plenty of soundtrack, as quite a lot of this film involves people standing around staring at stuff. Oh, and symbolism. Lots and lots of symbolism.

Our film begins symbolically with our protagonist Enrico arriving at the family home sharing a truck with cows being led to the slaughter. Enrico's your typical young man, up to the usual hi-jinks - listening to tapes of his mother gibbering on, spying on his sister and brother, shooting at a dead dog floating in a pond. To be fair, the entire family were involved in that bit.

Enrico's dad has died mysteriously under mysterious circumstances,mysteriously, just like Enrico's mysterious mum who mysteriously killed herself, adding to the mysterious legend of the curse of Enrico's family, where one member of the family dies every ten years (which isn't really that bad of a mortality rate - I lost five last year!). Like all super rich families, everyone's soulless and burned out and indulging in things they shouldn't really be indulging in.

Take sister Verde for instance. It looked to me like she was bumping uglies with both Enrico and angry brother Ceaser (Sorel), and was she also pretending to be her own mum while Enrico built a replica mum, surrounded himself with pictures of her, and no doubt chugged out an arm breaker?

There is a plot by the way. Turns out Enrico suspects that his dad was murdered by his brother and perhaps Verde and it's all about him either discovering the truth or being insane - you know the drill. The only problem is nothing exciting happens and the film kind of rolls downhill like a dead dog towards the downbeat ending with a very slight twist.

Good music and good looking film though.
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