18 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Warning: spoilers ahead!!

I never write reviews and I literally sought this one out. I searched till I could find a place to write a review. I was very excited to watch this movie. Cause it was directed by Mani Ratnam and he is one of my favorite directors. As the movie went on, I realized it's a movie about a misogynistic and sadistic man to whom a relationship is about control. He was displaying typical characteristics of a domestic abuser. He emotionally, physically and mentally humiliated his girl friend. Isolated her, humiliated her parents, left her hanging, insulted her in front of his friends, waved her like a trophy and walked away when he heard that she was pregnant. Yet, when he was caught and freed himself miraculously ", he searched her out and she welcomed him with open arms and heart and gifted him a daughter for all his abuses! Oh, I will be damned!!!

In this movie a man can be what he wants and suffers no consequences other than in the hands of fate.a woman is helpless to even react to a man's tyranny and has to rely on fate to mete it out for her. Once fate has done its "justice", then it's okay for the woman to cry like a child, welcome him back like a hero and push her child on to him calling the child the man's responsibility!!

I was aghast, and I went in search of the reviews. Believe it or not, it was not until then I realized how messed up this situation was. There were people who raved about and there were people who found it disgusting, but there was none who found this abuse appalling. There was none that called it out for what it was - domestic abuse! Is it that OK in the culture for a woman to be that oppressed? A woman just complains and does nothing about it. Then, turns and runs into his arms?? Am I really a part of that culture? Wow! This was a shock for me on so many levels!!!
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