Mediocre effort at best
18 August 2017
This show has moments of inspiration but it overall boils down to no more than that - a few good moments. For a show based off of Lego toys, it's quite an accomplishment. Though, among some of the better shows currently airing (Steven universe; adventure time) this show falls quite short of being good. It follows a very formulaic approach to its "gifted child has to find his path" story. The action scenes are well put together, the story occasionally intriguing despite sinking into cliché territory, and the animation is top notch. It's the poorly developed characters that sink this ship. They're all irredeemable, generic, standard issue vessels to fuel this canon. None of them show any of the complexity that you'd expect of them, and they don't leave you feeling like you need any more of it. A show with great potential that can't overcome the obstacles that it sets for itself.
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