Fear, Inc. (2016)
Annoying and Boring
18 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
What this film is NOT: Funny, Entertaining, Well acted

What this film is: Terrible, Predictable, Stupid.

As another reviewer rightly said the lead 'actor' of this movie was incredibly annoying, it's possible it could have been better with another actor, in between being too enthusiastic and excited to being overly panicking and pathetically crying the scenes felt annoying, boring and painfully dragged out. But unfortunately I endured to see the movie out (instead of turning it off). I will some it up below for those interested and save and hour and a half or so of your lives.

============== SPOILERS ==============

So we have this complete loser, annoying douche, who is sponging off his girlfriends parents, hires this ridiculous team called 'fear, inc', despite his friends and girlfriend warning against it (because fear inc are crazy or something stupid), being the complete douche that he is, he hires them anyway. His friends who are staying the weekend freak out, they get separated (this even feels stupid to explain). Anyway there are stupidly predictable twists, and like 'The Game' the movie which they mention in the film, its all a gag that his friends and girlfriend are in on, but it's too late because douchebag accidentally kills one of the Fear inc team, they go to bury the body and Fear inc find him and kill his girlfriend...

But again THAT was all part of the gag! Yay! How predictable. Then the ultimate predictability which I hoped they wouldn't go for because it made a less than average film go full retard, when the Fear inc people kill him and all his friends all of a sudden, for no reason, and we as viewers are supposed to believe that there could be a company that would just go around killing people so extravagantly and elaborately without getting caught or even suspected, despite people dying after hiring them and people knowing about them. This twist was stupid and unnecessary.

I wish I had just re-watched 'The Game' (this film does the twists the right way) or maybe even just watched some paint dry.
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