Borderline (1980)
A Bit Too Low Key But a Good Bronson Film
14 August 2017
Borderline (1980)

*** (out of 4)

Jeb Maynard (Charles Bronson) works the U.S.-Mexico border and is dealing with a large number of illegal immigrants sneaking into the country. One day his partner is brutally murdered in the line of duty so Jeb sets out to find who's behind it. The Federal boys thinks it's related to drugs but Jef feels there's another motive.

BORDERLINE is a film that never gets discussed. You could gather up a thousand Bronson fans and question them on any movie in his long career and I'd say very few would have even seen this one. It's really too bad because while the movie isn't a complete success it's at least entertaining enough that fans of the actor should give it a chance and especially since it offers him up a different type of role.

I'm going to guess this film isn't all that popular because there's really not much of a violent streak to it. There's one brutal murder shown but it's not overly graphic since it's basically just a shotgun blast. I think the 'revenge' aspect people love with Bronson means they want to see him go out and blow away people and that doesn't happen here. Instead what we're treated to is a low-key movie about a simple man trying to solve a murder. There aren't any shoot outs or a high body count.

I think the film moves a bit too slow for its own good and there's no question that a higher speed would have helped things. Outside of that I think the film is mostly a success. Bronson turns in yet another quiet but good performance and you can't help but think he liked being able to play a more serious part here. The supporting cast includes a nice turn by Bruno Kirby as well as Wilford Brimley in a small bit. Ed Harris really stands out here as the cold-blooded killer. He doesn't say much but you can feel the coldness of his character just by looking at Harris' eyes.

It's doubtful this film will ever have a great number of fans and that's understandable but at the same time more Bronson fans should give it a shot.
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