Absolutely Great - A Sleeper - Not to be Missed!
13 August 2017
Baby, Baby, Baby Review

Just about missed this one...tripped over it on a movie network streaming service and purchased it immediately after. That pretty well says it all.

One of the best movies I have seen in a while - right up there with Woody Allen's, Annie Hall - in a more current setting. The line from Allen in Annie Hall for those who know the movie "we need the eggs" comes to mind. Look it up if you're not familiar.

Brian Klugman who wrote, directed and appears in the movie as the main character, Sydney is a far less neurotic Alvy Singer (keeping with the Woody Allen character) and he plays the part superbly from start to final curtain. Adrianne Palicki the other (and great looking) half of the relationship is right on the mark as well.

I wanted to buy the movie in Blu-Ray but I could barely find it, in any format on amazon - I actually had to type in Brian Klugman's name to find it, in DVD. Talk about a sleeper. The reviews I read over, that gave this movie anything but top marks reminds me of Ripley's (Sigourney Weaver) line from Aliens to should-know-betters' in regard to their IQs dropping sharply. Baby, Baby, Baby is a masterpiece.

This is a heartfelt, well-written and insightfully timed comedy, superbly acted by the main characters and includes appearances by Kelsey Grammar, Bradley Cooper, Jessica Alba and others. A movie well worth the time - an unexpected pleasure - and as it turned out, for me, a well deserved expense.

Kudo's to Brian Klugman – a beautiful piece of work.

Don't miss this one.
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