A deeply immoral film
12 August 2017
This is a deeply immoral film. Starting with Nick Broomfield showing up on the poster promoting the movie just because he is the white guy. While everybody in this movie seems to be risking something, Nick Broomfield risked getting bored to death while doing Sudoku and waiting for the woman who did all the work. Sure, he did the so called directing. Which in this case is only an over important way of saying junior editor.

Everybody there is working. The women take the risks. And the job is also unpleasant and without glory. Nobody seems to be aggressive. There is no violence. Even Hsiao Hung Pai who did all the work does not mention anything worse than harsh talk, but not insulting. And I made aware by different comments that the old white male felt the need to spice up the translation to turn it from harsh to insulting.

Exploitation? Sure. By so many. Husbands and families back home. The teachers of a failed schooling system back home. Border officials. Immigration. All these people posing as nice in their own communities. Each and every one of them is pushing these girls into not using condoms, into accepting the demands of the clients. Working on the black market in some restaurant can be worse for less money. But Nick Broomfield does not care about that. He acts like a pimp by pushing the woman into this reporting job than he talks about making her quit.

And what is the result? What kind of dim wit one has to be to think anything from this will ever help the women? At best, the police will come and everybody from the owner of the flat to the last sex worker will have to suffer and lose income. The women will even be sent home before even making enough money to pay the smugglers' debt. So life will be bad for them. Now, with the Internet, everybody might find out what they did in the UK. And that probably will give them a high paying job an a honorary PhD at some university in China, right? And when they are going to be sent home who is going to be paying? It's not Nick Broomfield or the Chief of Police with his talks about "fighting" the crime. No. It will be the taxpayer. The taxpayer who was not hurt.

Also it is worth noting that the team is not using "the latest" in investigative technology. The team uses the latest on Ebay. Which, the irony! is probably designed and maid in China. Thus reinforcing the working conditions in China for the task of "informing" the people and feeding the reporting ****. For his part of work Nick Broomfield is quick to express his incompetence in using the so called latest tech. And blame the low quality on the hardware and not his lack of skill.

Contact me with Questions, Comments or Suggestions ryitfork @ bitmail.ch
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