Vexed (2010–2012)
Two seasons, two very different shows
6 August 2017
This show is aptly named "Vexed", as the switcheroo that occurs after the first season is truly vexing! The all-too-short season 1 was such a delightful introduction to a cadish, but lovable, Jack and his hapless partner Kate; it rates a solid 9+ in my books. The chemistry between these two was excellent, and they were well matched in their comedic abilities. We particularly delighted in Jack's insensitive remarks, from which much of the humor stemmed. Unfortunately, all that changed quite dramatically in the second season. Lucy Punch was replaced by Miranda Raison as Jack's new partner- an earnest know-it-all who sucked all the humor out of the show. Jack's character was also toned down to a disappointing shadow of his first season's character. What a waste of Toby Stephen's great comedic talent! I would love to see this show brought back in the format of the first season, but I suppose that ship has sailed as the actors have moved on to greener pastures. Again I say, what a waste!
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