A Low-Budget Movie Made for Drive-In Theaters
4 August 2017
This movie begins with a young blonde woman named "Honey" (Sarah Kennedy) coming to Los Angeles with no money and looking for employment. Luckily, she manages to rent an apartment on credit from another young woman named "Denise" (Laurie Rose). Likewise, living in that same apartment is another young woman by the name of "Jill" (Lynne Guthrie) who goes to college and works as a waitress in a nightclub on the side. And it's at this nightclub that Jill meets a young stripper named "Katya" (Cassandra Peterson) who convinces her to become a stripper there as well. In any case, as these young ladies struggle to make ends meet they encounter various people along the way who change their lives in a very dramatic manner. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that, although this film is billed as a comedy, I didn't seem to find too much humor in it. But it did have a couple of attractive actresses in Cassandra Peterson and Laurie Rose to grace the screen so I suppose it wasn't a total waste all things considered. In short, this was a low-budget movie made for drive-in theaters. Nothing more and nothing less and I have rated it accordingly. Slightly below average.
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