Star Trek: The Next Generation: Rightful Heir (1993)
Season 6, Episode 23
Klingon Jesus returns to overthrow the empire, fails.
2 August 2017
Worf thinks he can summon a vision of Klingon Jesus over the weekend. It doesn't work and makes him late for his shift. If you're late for your shift on the Enterprise Riker will come to your quarters with a security team and Picard will dress you down. So Worf takes some time off to visit a Klingon monastery. I can relate.

Klingon Jesus returns while Worf is meditating at the monastery. Worf is skeptical. Klingon Jesus begins plotting to overthrow Gowron. Back on board the Enterprise Data takes on the role of Worf's companion in the spiritual search. Again, I can relate.

Gowron shows up demanding proof of Klingon Jesus' claim. Gets it. Worf believes. Politics happen. Worf demands the truth from the religious zealots. Gets it. Data shows up to help Worf complete his arc and a compromise is struck. All to often, sigh.

I like Worf and I like the Klingons so I like this episode. The conflict between corrupt religious leaders and corrupt politicians is pretty interesting. I'm glad that sort of thing doesn't happen here on Earth.

Fun fact: Worf's quarters are located on Deck 7 Section 25 Baker.
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