More distorted propaganda
1 August 2017
I liked the first Moore film on Flint, MI but he has always started with left wing propaganda and shows that his films are just extensions of Pravda like journalism and its orientation to 'capitalism'. Yet Russia and China are becoming more capitalist, while still regaining control over the people in social interactions.

His comment, "slaves built this country" is just like Obama saying 'you didn't build this country, we did". The leftist theology never ends.

So, Michael who paid the wages of workers. Capitalist, people willing to invest cash into major projects like railroads, buildings, early roads, cars, electricity... forgot about that did you? Did workers say, 'hey let's build cars' or did they earn a living from capital investment.

But yes wages were indeed low and it was Henry Ford to doubled their wages so that every worker could buy a Ford, something that only the RICH, like Moore, could afford. And labor unions were necessary in the 1900.

He also fails to mention (on purpose) that there was a Trans-Atlantic slave trade, most were run by African tribal leaders who sold slaves and that of some 10 million slaves, 4 million went to Brazil and the rest of Central and South America. and some 450,000 Africans in the US for the slave trade.

Moore just simply distorts facts and cherry picks and uses the sin of omission to 'prove' his left wing narrative bias.

Sadly his films profit from paranoia, conspiracy theory and duplicity.
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