Nice idea, and tense, but doesn't quite merge the characters into the horror until the very end (SPOILERS)
30 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This short film is well known, doing very well in festivals and online – not at all hurt by the presence of Mia Wasikowska in the title role (who at the same time was being amazing in season 1 of HBO's In Treatment). The plot sees a handful of younger children and teens, who are alone in a zombie wasteland. Some of them are tormenting a zombie restrained outside, but for one of the boys his focus is on his crush for the older Sarah Jane.

There is a nice idea here – or rather a series of nice ideas. The coming-of-age sort of element, with a delicate and shy crush on an older girl, playing out in such an aggressive environment; the plot development of the ending; the Lord of the Flies element of chaos and lack of restriction on those of an age who need restrictions the most. I wanted it to be stronger than it was because of all these things. Unfortunately it doesn't quite make the first half work as well as it needed to. The second half is stronger, with some brutal and heart- felt elements, but unfortunately these have the side- effect of making the first half feel disconnected from the rest – and the crush and the 'main' character suddenly seems less important and interesting.

Wasikowska sells it, and stands out. The rest of the cast are not so convincing in themselves; although the special effects are much more convincing and engagingly done. There are good elements here, and it is worth seeing, but it doesn't totally make use of its good ideas, even if the ending is quite strong.
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