Review of Wolves

Wolves (I) (2016)
Not Bball
27 July 2017
I've coached the game at every level. This is what I saw. The only accurate bball scene in the movie is the star actor's/player's shooting form. Defensive movement/agility skills are hard to develop and a sign of having played the game; they looked poorly, acting-staged. Everything else was just misrepresentation, and bad misrepresentation at that. Most notably the confrontation scenes on the playground; in practice and of course in the game. Isolated and small incidents do take place, but statistically would represent less than 1% of such games played. The confrontational language & behaviors of parents and coaches were just as unrealistic. Coaching to instill "rage", sorry, but the best players develop "control" of their emotions. Yes, isolated examples are out there as there are in anything, so what. They are not defining? Scouts don't show up advertising themselves; they try to blend anonymously.
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