Game of Thrones: Stormborn (2017)
Season 7, Episode 2
Now the Seventh Season Has Begun
26 July 2017
At Dragonstone, Daenerys, Tyrion and Varys discuss a strategy to take Westeros without burning the Seven Kingoms to ashes with their allied Melisandre, Yara Greyjoy, Eliaria and Lady Olenna Tyrell. Tyrion proposes an alliance with Jon Snow to Daenerys and she sends an invitation to him to visit her. In Kings Landing, Cersei tries to gather allied to fight Daenerys and Qyburn shows a powerful weapon to kill dragons he has developed. Meanwhile Jon Snow decides to accept the invitation of Daenerys expecting to convince her to use her dragons and the dragon glass in her land to destroy the White Walkers. Arya learns that Jon Snow is the King of the North and decides to return to Winterfells and has an unexpected encounter. Samwell tries to secretly heal Jorah from the greyscale risking his career. Yara Greyjoy and Eliaria are navigating the Narrow Sea when they are surprisingly attacked by Euron and his fleet.

"Stormborn" is a great episode of "Game of Thrones" with good segments and surprising conclusion. Now the strategies are discussed by the opponents with their allied and the war is close. Most of the characters have great participation and the viewers will certainly anxiously looking forward to see the sequel. My vote is nine.

Title (Brail): "Stormborn"
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