Review of Part 11

Twin Peaks: Part 11 (2017)
Season 1, Episode 11
There's Fire Where You Are Going
25 July 2017
For once, this episode didn't feel like it was just delaying inevitable reveals and results. There was a keen sense of urgency for a good portion of the episode. That is, the parts that didn't involve Dougie. We FINALLY got confirmation that Becky is indeed the child of Bobby and Shelly, and she's in quite the pickle with her husband, Steven. At this point, I think it's safe to say that this storyline is going to be crucial come the later episodes. Albeit briefly, Amanda Seyfried has been a delight to watch even if her scenes rarely ever involve something good happening. The whole first half of the episode was so Lynchian, I loved it. Whether it be the log lady's ominous call to Hawk, that portal (which may link what happened in New York), Hastings' death, or the random gunshot in the middle of a traffic jam, it was quite the episode. Again, it's not like any of this is beginning to make sense, but Lynch is keeping my interest. I can't necessarily say the same thing about the Dougie stuff, but it's become clear that Lynch doesn't plan on giving us any sort of pay-off to that soon, so we'll have to continue to live with it. It's noteworthy that bad Coop/Bob didn't play a role at all this week, though his little minions did do some work on Hastings. Overall, it was an enjoyable week of Thrones, though I still wish there was more progress on the Dougie plot. I say that every week.

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