The Flash: Fast Enough (2015)
Season 1, Episode 23
Flash Ruined
25 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I really think that the writers have a real problem with time logic. They built up the season so good, so they can ruin the story by adding time nonsense.

Here is what i mean: When Eddie killed himself, all of this timeline should collapse not just Eobard Thawne! In fact, if Eobard was never born, he would have NEVER traveled back in time, killed Nora Allen and Dr Wells, built the particle accelerator and created the Flash. Barry would have NEVER lived with Iris and Joe, or even met Caitlin and Cisco. Even though, the show continues normally! They are all here, just Wells disappeared... The timeline continues as if Wells actually lived and did all of what Eobard did in Wells's body. They are all here trying to save the city from the worm hole that the Flash created because Eobard convinced him to do it, even though Eobard never existed...

Seriously writers, if you have problem with logic just ask for help before you decide to ruin a show like that.

No offense, A true fan.
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