Inherit the Wind (1988 TV Movie)
Not as good as the original
25 July 2017
I loved the original Inherit the Wind. Fredric March gave one of the best film performances of all time, as the evangelical lawyer Matthew Harrison Brady in 1960. I knew going into it that the remake probably wouldn't be as good as the original, but I wanted to give it a chance, for Kirk Douglas's sake. He tried very hard, and had he not been following Fredric March, he would have given a great performance. But if you've seen the original, no one else can play Matthew Harrison Brady.

In case you haven't seen the original, the story is an adapted version of the famous Scopes Monkey trial in the 1920s. A teacher in America's Deep South, teaches his students about Charles Darwin, and he's arrested. The majority of the film takes place in the courtroom, as two legendary lawyers battle the issue. So, if you don't like one of the two lead actors, it will greatly affect your enjoyment of the film. I'm not a Spencer Tracy fan, but with Jason Robards taking his place in the remake, I began to appreciate Spence's performance better. I know there are some people out there who are Jason Robards fans, but I'm not one of them. He's just not likable, and he always seems tired, bored, slightly angry, and wishing he was anywhere but on a film set.

If you really like Kirk Douglas, you'll probably want to see this movie, but it's not nearly as good as the original. Jean Simmons plays Kirk's wife, and even though she gives a good performance, there was nothing really wrong with her predecessor, Florence Eldridge. Watch the original, and if you really enjoy the story and like Kirk Douglas, then you can rent this one.
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