Review of Part 11

Twin Peaks: Part 11 (2017)
Season 1, Episode 11
As awful as the previous episodes
25 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Twin Peaks" continues it's slow journey into.. nothing really.

Cole and his troupe go to "the zone", where they encounter a huge Photoshop distort > twirl filter and a bunch of these black demonic hobos (one of them kills Hastings). They also discover Ruth Davenport's corpse, which means they now know the coordinates to Jack Rabbit's Palace, which sets the scene for a showdown between them, DoppelCoop (through Diane) and Truman and co.

In Twin Peaks, Becky has a marital crisis. She tries to solve it the American way (with a gun) but fails, which leads to a family meeting between her, Shelly and Bobby. Following Shelly's brief moment with her beau (the drug dealer Red) and Bobby's obvious jealousy, the meeting comes to an abrupt end when random gunshots occur. Bobby goes outside to investigate, and (long story short) comes across a hysterical woman beeping hysterically and a diabolical child vomiting uncontrollably. Kooky and spooky, woooooh (spooky voice).

Finally, the Dougie Jones saga continues unabated, but it's so absurd I don't see any point going into detail about it. For anyone interested there are a lot of detailed recaps online by way too many websites washing this series with preposterous praise and justifying it with pseudo-academic nonsense.
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