Review of Stormborn

Game of Thrones: Stormborn (2017)
Season 7, Episode 2
What an episode!
24 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Yet again Game of Thrones has delivered on another spectacular episode, while not quite as good as the previous, Stormborn is thrilling, engaging and emotional. Everything you want from Game of Thrones.

The episode opens with a brilliantly shot scene, and shows us something that has been on my mind since season 5. Why would Dany trust the Spider? This episode explains that, and shows us one of Vary's best speeches ever.

The scenes with Arya were some of the best, she hasn't been the stand out character in some while, and seeing her interact with her long lost wolf was a brilliant scene. And can I just point how fantastic the effects on the Direwolves has come along.

King's Landing was the same as always, plotting and scheming, with a rather thrilling scene that takes place under the Red Keep. I do hope they don't use those giant ballistas.

I would say the North scenes weren't the best this episode, they were just good. I did love Jon getting right into Littlefinger's face. About time someone didn't take his sh**. But a part of me thinks that was a mistake on Jon's part.

Now for the part everyone is talking about, the battle. While this scene is visually breathtaking, it was a little underwhelming - while still entertaining. My only issue is how short it was, and how shaky the camera was. I made me feel dizzy at times. But we finally got to see the savage side to Euron! That guy is a monster, I watching him with the feeling that he did not care who he was cutting down. But that battle was still good, even better when we saw the deaths of annoying characters that fans have not been overly fond of. And f**k you Theon you damn coward.

Stormborn was really good, with maybe one awkward scene - I think some who have watched it know what I'm talking about.

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