This not only doesn't need to exist, it's downright awful.
23 July 2017
I saw the trailer for this show long before its first episode aired on TV. I was unimpressed. Still, I hoped it would be one of those cases where the show itself is enjoyable in the least, and different from the trailer. God. It's quite the opposite.

Before I go on I'd like to note that I have to note that I have never seen the original movie(s). I have heard that they are funny and heartwarming, and I do intend to watch them at some point, but I intentionally went into this show with no prior knowledge of the source material. I want to judge this as its own thing, and not some petty addition to an expanding franchise.

Anyway, the show has very little going on for it. You could probably say, actually, that it has nothing going on for it. I can not name a SINGLE time I laughed at this show. All of the jokes either fall flat, are delivered incorrectly, or outright don't make sense. And that is probably one of the biggest flaws, if not THE biggest flaw, of the show. It is straight-up unfunny. The animation does not help in the slightest, either.

The animation looks lazy and, at times, unfinished. It's clearly cheap and done under a very tight time limit. One of the very few things I have heard about the original movie is that its animation style is very fast-paced and compliments the humor very nicely. That is NOT the case here. The animation is usually very slow, allowing for more verbal humor than physical humor. OH MY GOD IS THAT AN AWFUL CHOICE. "Hotel Transylvania: The Series" needs SO MUCH MORE physical humor! And the main reasoning for this is that the verbal humor is near unbearable! Some physical humor would make this cartoon a lot livelier.

Probably the best part about this show is the voice acting. That's not to say that the characters are good--in fact, I hate almost every one of them. They're either annoying, unlikable, or too idiotic to care about. The voice acting helps this a little bit, however, since the voice actors are honestly not horrible replacements for the original's. Okay, it's no Vincent Price performance, but it's... Passable. The voice actors helped me a lot to not make me want to punch one of these characters in the face. Particularly Mavis. Her voice actor--Bryn McAuley--adds some much needed life to this character and really steals the show. In fact, she's really the only character that I don't mind. She can be really annoying at times, but she's definitely one of the better characters.

All in all, this show is a definite skip. It's harmless to show to your kid if there is literally nothing better on, but I would rather watch... Anything else, except maybe "Teen Titans Go!". Just... Don't pay any mind to it if you don't have to.
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