Game of Thrones: Stormborn (2017)
Season 7, Episode 2
A Breathtaking Second Episode
23 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
After starting off the season with a formidable premiere possessing some of the best dialogue in recent seasons, Stormborn proves to be even stronger than its predecessor and finishes composing the beginning of what appears to be the biggest season yet.

Daenerys' scene at the very beginning of the episode acted as a breath of fresh air. We finally witness the counsel of the Dragon Queen enlighten her with the fact that the players of the game must be capricious by nature in order to adapt to the ever changing politics of Westeros. Varys' speech added multiple layers of depth to his character, as previously his motives remained ambiguous. Now everyone understands what he refers to as "the realm", which is those who live without a political voice. Daenerys' scene with Melisandre was also monumental in terms of plot development, as it is the orchestrator for Daenerys' first meeting with Jon in the next episode.

Jon's scenes were strong as always. He faces some internal conflict amongst his northern vassals regarding whether or not to venture towards Dragonstone, especially given the family history between the Starks and the Targaryens. However, he resolves this in a kingly fashion and cements his position of authority over his men, something Robb had much difficulty with following his inheriting of the North. His scene with Littlefinger, while brief, demonstrated his Targaryen passion along with his loyalty towards his family, qualitative characteristics of a Stark.

Arya's storyline has returned to the spotlight, as every scene she takes part in has absolutely shone in season 7. Her scene with Hot Pie is demonstrative of how far she has come along on her journey, and the characterization and development she has undergone. When comparing this Arya to the one who roamed around the Riverlands with Hot Pie, the contrast is easily discernible. Her reunion with Nymeria, along with her reaction to the Red Wedding, is one of the most heart touching moments in her storyline so far.

Finally, although having a rocky start, the scene with the Ironborn and Dornishmen was the absolute pinnacle of "Stormborn." Although tremendously interesting families, the adventures of the Greyjoys and Martells were previously poorly adapted for television when held in comparison to their book counterparts. However, the battle on the narrow sea was easily the greatest scene that both families have ever been involved in, and rivals the likes of The Tower of Joy and Oberyn vs. The Mountain as one of the greatest short action sequences Game of Thrones has ever produced. The Ironborn reaving culture was on full display, and the Martells...made for suitable victims.

My highest praise has to go to the portrayal of Euron Greyjoy. There is a stark contrast between his season 6 and season 7 depictions. Joffrey and Ramsay were villains that I loved to hate, but Euron Greyjoy has developed such a sense of personality that I absolutely love his character, and stands alongside Cersei and Littlefinger as one of my absolute favorite villains.

Episode three looks to be just as good, or perhaps even better. A stupendous start to the season so far. An interesting blend between Season 4's outstanding storytelling and Season 6's colossal plot points.
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