Game of Thrones: Stormborn (2017)
Season 7, Episode 2
The Prince(ss) Who Was Promised
23 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
As a longtime fan, there's perhaps nothing more cool than hearing Daenerys and Jon Snow talk about each other. Of course, next week that excitement will likely be amplified when they do meet, but there's something so satisfying about a little bit of dialogue from both sides about each other. The best part about it is that the meeting actually makes a ton of sense logistically. It's not like the show is forcing the meeting for the heck of it to improve ratings, Jon & Daenerys are a combination people have been wanting for years, and the showrunners waited for just the right time. Luckily, that wasn't the only great development this week.

After being so set on going to King's Landing to kill Cersei, Arya had a change of heart tonight and decided to head back home to Winterfell. It's weird to think that she had no idea what was going on in the North and Jon Snow's victory at the Battle of the Bastards. Her reunion with Hot Pie was a really nice moment because they haven't seen each other in years, but mostly because of Maisie Williams' performance. She barely had to say any words to know exactly how she felt when hearing her brother Jon took back the North. Can't wait to see her head back to her home and *fingers crossed* actually see Jon and Sansa. We all know this show has a frustrating history of ripping the rug out from under us more than once.

Coupling those scenes with Arya's bittersweet reunion with Nymeria, and Maisie had one heck of a week. Again, it's not like this show just threw in that scene to excite fans, it makes sense thematically with what Arya is going through. Nymeria naturally won't go with Arya because she has already found her home with other wolves, just like Arya returning to her home in Winterfell because that's where she belongs.

Back to the Jon & Daenerys front, it really seems like both are struggling with the power hierarchy in their respected circles. On one hand, Dany's discussion at Dragonstone with Yara, Varys, Tyrion, Olenna, Ellaria, and others, shows just how far she still is from conquering. Though, if she follows what Olenna said, perhaps that conquering will be sooner than expected. Jon is dealing with some tough feedback from his North men and women as well. Ultimately though, he made his decision to head to Dragonstone and leave Winterfell with Sansa. Will this lead to Sansa getting rid of Littlefinger once and for all? Or perhaps more likely, give Littlefinger the wiggle room to manipulate Sansa one last time.

There wasn't a ton of Cersei material this week, but she did apparently figure out a way to "kill" a dragon. The dragon size crossbow is interesting, but sure isn't as shocking as the wildfire she brought out last year. Not that it wasn't a possibility already, but I have to believe one of the dragons will fall by season's end. The playing field has to be leveled a little bit, right? Well, I guess it already was by having Euron take down a bunch of Greyjoy ships, the sand snakes, and capture Ellaria. Boy was it depressing to see Theon once again fail under pressure as it becomes all the more likely Yara won't make it out of this season alive.

Some other tidbits worth mentioning; Jorah's health is looking better! I don't like spending time at the Citadel, it's become pretty annoying at this point. But if Sam cures Jorah, I'll be a happy man. Jon pinning Littlefinger up against the wall was awesome. It sure doesn't look like Jaime will be switching sides (like I hoped) anytime soon. I really hate seeing Jon & Dany constantly being undermined. This may be the first episode where every scene essentially boiled down to the same conflict. No fillers this year. Finally, hearing Dany say "He sounds like quite a man" about Jon Snow, pretty much rattled every bone in my body. So many thoughts. The Prince Who Was Promised prophecy finally taking shape!

+Dany & Jon parallels

+Surprised by the Euron battle

+Arya's decision/reunions

+So much progression, no filler scenes

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