Almost Mercy (2015)
To call this mess abysmal would mean having to redefine the word.
23 July 2017
This is one of those massive wastes of time and space that almost has to be seen to grasp how wretched it is. Almost. Because if you do see it, you wont "almost" be crying for mercy.

Right from the opening scenes, I knew this one was in dire straits. Here we have yet another teen film about the "dark" kids, the misfits who cant relate to anything in the world around them, and don't really seem interested in making an effort to do so.

But what we mostly have is a convoluted, manic pile of excess that tries much too hard to be cool, to be edgy, even to be unimpressed with itself, because, well, its so ultra hip to be jaded about life by the time you're 15, you know? All life, every aspect of it, it seems.

Where it does somewhat succeed in its nonstop over the top is to be profane and offensive toward just about every facet of adult society {we really are all evil - its a plot to destroy the life of every living, breathing teen. We've been outed}. Somewhat. Even here, it isn't really nearly as effective as it craves to be. There's also that predictable path of raging to be original by giving us every high school stereotype these types of films have given us four hundred times before. All in the only manner it knows how: relentless bizarre histrionics.

Its a rare day when I will rate anything a 1. Most movies have something to redeem them, somewhere. This unintentional disaster flick gets a 1 only because there isn't a negative 6 given as an option. Totally void of substance? More than you would ever think possible. Not to mention joy, hope, and entertainment. A horror flick only in the aspect that you should scream in horror and run like the wind if anyone attempts to force you to sit through it. Now to try to get those two hours back ...
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