Review of Elite

Elite (2017)
We were ambushed
23 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The film opens with a poorly shot fire fight in an unnamed Central American country that speaks English with Latino accents. We then see submarine qualified Lt. Abbey Vaughn (Allison Gregory) becoming an NCOC (NIS?) investigator working in Texas appointed by a senator who once "busted a Lt.JG to a Chief Petty Officer"...seriously who writes this stuff? Not possible. While investigating a cold case (the one we saw earlier) she enlists the help of "not active" Sam Harrigan (Jason Scarbrough) who she meets in front of a shack with an uncut yard while he is chipping golf balls in a pink bath robe and a teddy bear for company. Good visual. He eventually helps her. At 30 minutes into the film we pause for character introductions and then back to the action which was made lackluster due to the fact our lead character was poorly written and not that well played. While I like the character of Sam Harrigan, Jason Scarbough didn't project a good tough guy persona to pull it off.

The film used good graphics for the opening credits. It has the nuts and bolts in place for a decent film, they just fell short.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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