Mismosh of terms
23 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Where to begin? They set off "to find new galaxies for colonization" in the year 2000. The narrative starts: "Beyond this, and into infinity, is Man's last frontier. Over 2 billion light years of solar system, reaching from the great clouds of Magellan to the galaxies of Andromeda and Triangulum". They go "far beyond Earth's universe". This is a sample. So they lift off from Cape Kennedy, which looks like a large desert. Actually seems to be a V-2 launch from White Sands, New Mexico. The meteor shower shows the objects on fire - not likely out in space with no air. Taurus the Bull is a constellation. You really can't go to a constellation - they are just outlines in the sky as seen from the Earth. Usually they are based on some figure that brighter stars have made. Go can go towards a constellation, but after some time you would pass the obvious stars and go beyond them, past our galaxy and on and on. "We should be nearing the Triangulum Galaxy". "Of all the lifeless galaxies we had to land on this planet". OK - A galaxy is a swirling cloud of stars and dust - billions of stars. A solar system is a group of 1 or several stars, and maybe planets, comets, asteroids and other junk, bound together by gravity. A constellation is an apparent shape made by some stars, originally. Used to tell stories or as an indicator of the seasons. (When you see this shape, start to prepare for winter - you would say that to your kids.) They have instant communication with the Earth control center. They at one point their speed is 125,00 - with no units, like MPH or meters per second. Triangulum is not really near the Taurus constellation at all. There is a nice galaxy there, M33. Mr. Messier made a list of things that look like comets, but are not. People would keep bothering him with their great discoveries. You may not realize that if you look at a galaxy with your eyes, it looks like a gray fuzzy blob. Maybe with a really big mirror you see more. Your eye is not a camera- that can take long exposures, or stack many pictures together. Then you get the nice color images. M33 is about 3 million light years away. Light goes 6 trillion miles in one year - that is what a light year is. The main problem is that these galaxies are really far away. We can't even get to a nearby star yet. To check out a galaxy would take eons of time. The writers give kids a wrong impression of things.
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