Polite racism that is not that polite
22 July 2017
"We" (the color blind whites) are so nice. Our close relatives might be rabid, but we are so tolerant. "They" (the darker skinned people identified as foreigners) are the racists. Not us. Them. And they can be so backward! And sometimes we can't take so much racism from them, even if we live with racists who look just like us.

Every tolerable stereotype is brought here. The womanizer Muslim about to marry somebody else. The colorful and noisy "them" kind of marriage.

Bottom line this is yet another line on somebody's resume. A state bureaucrat promoting diversity. Some university graduates with dreams of Sundance and Tribeca, only they do not speak enough English to fill up the entry form. These are not the people who will start an ethnic cleansing, but they are very racist anyway. Even in the way they use the token Maghrebin girl expressing the racist viewer's concern: the Algerian doctor might impose the veil on the poor blonde French girl.

Contact me with Questions, Comments or Suggestions ryitfork @ bitmail.ch
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