Still/Born (2017)
Domestic chiller hits all the right (albeit predictable) tropes and notes
21 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
STILL/BORN (2017) **1/2 Christie Burke, Jesse Moss, Rebecca Olson, Jenn Griffin, Sheila McCarthy, Michael Ironside. Domestic chiller about a young couple who deal with the loss of one of their twins face quite a bargain they didn't anticipate in their beautiful new home: a wraith-like demon hellbent on kidnapping their infant son for nefarious reasons aplenty. Well-produced and directed by Brandon Christensen (who co-wrote the clear-eyed and scary screenplay with Colin Minihan) touches on every parent's nightmare in spades with prickpoint accuracy. The only problem is the tropes are predictable in spite of a very convincing turn by Burke as a mother in a downward spiral fighting every urge to protect her innocent baby despite the overwhelming odds of mixing the supernatural with postpartum depression.
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