Brief Encounter (1974 TV Movie)
A little flat
21 July 2017
This movie reminded me of Falling in Love, starring Meryl Streep and Robert DeNiro in 1984, since both plots involve two married people falling in love when they meet during their daily train ride to work. In both movies, the affair is built on companionship rather than sex, but when I looked it up to find out if Falling in Love was a remake of Brief Encounter, the director and screenwriter specifically stated that their film wasn't a remake. I suppose in Hollywood, you can get away with something like that, but in my opinion, the original deserved a nod and credit as such. Also, this version is itself a remake of the 1945 Brief Encounter, but at least it gives credit to the Noel Coward play both films were based on.

Brief Encounter stars Richard Burton and Sophia Loren, but for some unknown reason, there isn't much chemistry between the two. And it's Sophia Loren—are we really supposed to believe Richard Burton is only interested in her personality? He's awkward and anxious at best, and she seems utterly disinterested in him, so the overall story doesn't really work. I'd recommend watching the 1984 version instead; it's quite cute.
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