A hidden gem
19 July 2017
This movie is hilarious. I was really surprised at the quality of the acting. Carlos Santos as Sergio, J.R. Villarreal as Brad, Fernanda Romero as Fernanda and Tony Cavalero as Chuck are all outstanding. They are completely believable and have superb chemistry bouncing off one another.

Sergio, Brad and Chuck are sharing a house. Sergio and Brad are best mates, Brad is obsessed with sex and his male parts, Chuck is a rather unbalanced housemate who celebrates his sobriety with a daily video log. Chuck is rather volatile and unpredictable with his behaviour.

Sergio and Brad throw a house party, Sergio believes he has seen a ghost in the house and is completely terrified. Fernanda is really interested and wants to help see if the house is haunted. Fernanda is absolutely stunning and both Sergio and Brad want her for themselves.

They form a ghost hunting trio and start investigating the history of the house. Fernanda brings over a Ouija board to try to connect with the spirit. Chuck's behaviour starts becoming more odd than normal.

This movie is a found footage type, with Sergio, Brad and co all being filmed by a friend. It is the best movie of this type I have seen. I am not a fan of comedy but this incorporates horror and comedy, suspense and innuendo beautifully. I wish there was a sequel!!
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