No idea what this was
18 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Max und Moritz Reloaded" or just "Max und Moritz" is a German movie from 2005, so this one is already over a decade old and it was written and directed by Thomas Frydetzki. Looking at some other stuff he did, it should not be a surprise really how unimpressive this film here eventually turned out. Still it needs to be said that his co-writers and co-directors have better projects in their bodies of work, so there may have been a bit hope, but eventually these slightly under 1.5 hours were really nothing but a gigantic mess. This refers especially to story-telling. The film really seemed more like a bunch of random scenes thrown together. There was no coherency, no flow, basically no plot really. The title mentions two really well-known characters here in Germany created by famous author Wilhelm Busch and some of their pranks are still known to children today. It's a classic, no doubt about it. This film here is the exact opposite. It is fairly fitting that the two title characters are missing for huge parts, basically the longer the film goes the more they are out of the picture. And in these scenes they have they are completely forgettable too. Another problem here is that the film looks really cheap in terms of production values and this is a bit surprising as the cast of Becker, Baer, Jürgens, Petri and Karrenbauer (even if she has been in some pretty amateurish works too) is really not that bad at all. These people (and other cast members too) have appeared in good movies and they have given good performances there. I also would not really blame the Prinzen. I think I recognized members of the band here. This is a script that pretty much nobody could have turned into a quality film, be it professional or amateur actors. Oh well, quite a shame. Very embarrassing outcome here, just as embarrassing as they were obviously desperate enough to cash in with the famous characters in the title. Oh yeah, the music is really bad too. But the main problem is really the lack not only of a convincing or relatable story, but basically of a story in general. Overall, this film is a mess and I can why Kalkofe and Rütten decide to include it in their show. Highly not recommended.
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