Pork Pie (2017)
An enthralling ride of fun
17 July 2017
It rings 9 am in the alarm. You pack your bag and get ready to work on a Monday morning. You book a cab thinking about the hectic schedule ahead of you in the week. Suddenly the cab driver take a detour that your are not aware of. You are entering into a world of fantasy. Everything is perfect. You are enjoying each and every moment of the ride. The wind blowing against your face brings back all your good old memories.Your crush boards the cab. Now the cab gets into a train. You are technically travelling in a cab, travelling in a train. You are chased by the cops, you are all over the news, your name is chanted by by the crowd wherever you go. The kind of journey you would have thought will never happen in your dream. Oh Wait.. That's when you wake up from your dream and start your Monday morning.
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