Game of Thrones: Dragonstone (2017)
Season 7, Episode 1
More of the path started in season 5
17 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the show till the end of fourth season. Since then it's good, but not great with just a few great scenes, for example what happened in Hardhome. This premiere episode is more of the same since season 5. The time flies, the writers don't really care about details. For example: in season six when the greyjoys left with no ship show up with a fleet made on the iron island with no freaking trees there. But it's okay, because GoT handles things like that. It's the writing and dialogues I don't really like or not convinced of. When Euron Greyjoy dealing with Cersei don't come up with a strong hand, like saying "you have a lot of enemies, but no allies, what do you offer" If you want to have a strong ally you must offer yourself something. Instead Euron have to convince Cersei of his loyalty, well, too simple. So she is the big fish and sets the terms, right? But she doesn't have a fleet and she will need one against her enemies. Just saying. Also I don't get her motivation when Jamie asked her why they are doing this. It's reduced to power. That's a little too simple. Of course it's about power but how to get there? You need allies, you need deception, some matchplan for your goal, look how real geopolitics works. Instead we see King's landing reduced to Jamie and Cersei having their problems. I don't see a build up for smart moves or any power on the side of the Lannisters. All gone with Tywin. I just wanted to give you an impression where I see some problems of the once great and now just mediocre series.
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