Locked Up (2004)
Pointless gay porn, a failure with regard to story-telling and acting
16 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Gefangen" or "Eingelocht" or "Locked up" or "In the Hole" is a German 95-minute movie from 2004, so this one is already over a decade old and it is by far the most known work for writer and director Jörg Andreas. And it is most likely also the most known work for almost everybody else who worked on this film. I am a bit disgusted by the term "film" though when describing this piece of garbage really. But not as disgusted as I was during the watch. The film starts with a man coming to prison and everything afterward is basically about his relationships with guards and inmates and pointless sex scene. There is really a clean structure here. One sex scene. One scene about the characters. One sex scene. One scene about the characters. One sex scene etc. The guards only seem to be happy with the inmates having sex when they are part of the action too, which is apparently not too rare. Eventually, you can come to the conclusion that everybody in this jail is gay. As a heterosexual male, I must say that I did not find the sex scenes pleasant to watch at all, but I sat through them for the love of cinema. So lets talk a bit about the non-sex scenes. Honestly, these were at least as much of a failure as the explicit scenes I would say. The acting is horrible and you could easily say that almost everybody in the cast here has almost no acting experience at all and if they have been in other films, then these were other porn movies or films where they probably only acted in one single scene for a few seconds.

So as a whole, this was really a despicable film. I am genuinely baffled what makes this film different compared to the hundreds (if not thousands) of other (gay) porn movies on the internet. Yes there are many of these on IMDb too, but they don't have almost 1,000 rating. Or over 20 reviews. This is nothing other than porn. This is not a credible drama, thriller or crime movie. It is a failure from start to finish. If I really dig deep here and look for something positive to say, then maybe this would be that they did not include a hetero sex scene just for the sake of it as it would have been impossible to include this one with a credible explanation. But no worries. They still messed up on all kinds of occasions. The way they are trying to convince us about the relationship between the protagonist and the African American is a failure too. I cannot even say they have no chemistry, but they have nothing really. The way they (did not) build/ up this relationship towards the very end is amateurish to say the least. As amateurish as the entirety of production values in here. As amateurish and for the sake of it as the shocking scenes about rape in here. But the biggest joke is probably that somebody here on IMDb in the "View content advisory" section wrote that this movie is probably rather NC-17 than R. I can only imagine that this was a troll or somebody who worked on the production and wanted more people to see it. This is a hardcore gay porn movie packed with unsimulated sex scenes from start to finish. But this should not even play a role in your decision whether (not) to watch this one. The crucial aspect is that it is complete garbage and lacks any kind of creativity. Yes it is as bad as the word plays in the title. Stay far far away.
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