Security (I) (2017)
Parody of an Action Film
13 July 2017
I read somewhere that someone reviewed this title and referred to it as "Die Hard in a mall". This is way off in my opinion. If it is to be compared to any movie I would go with "Home Alone", such is the puerile and paper-thin plot.

Despite fairly good acting on behalf of the leads, Banderas and Kingsley, the script just fails to deliver, and in an effort, it seems to compensate, the director pulls out every cinematic cliché he could muster from his film school playbook.

Watching this film, you cannot help but think that at any second you will hear the director yell "Cut" and we will have realized that it was all just a parody of an action film that is pretend being shot as part of the real movie which now is about to begin.

The story is all too familiar, the action scenes are sub par, and save for the two big stars the acting is poor. Save your time re-watch Die Hard or Home Alone... you're welcome.
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