Fun rom-com in farcical European tradition
12 July 2017
This movie is a visual delight, a mockery of high fashion, and an enjoyable comedy of errors for viewers who can cope with the differences between European and American storytelling.

It's an ensemble piece, with the male and female leads getting not much more centre-stage time than the rest of the players. There are strong elements of farce, some nods to the physical comedy tradition of Commedia del Arte, and a lot of sacred cows being shot down.

First love, second love, the nature of marriage and the reasons for divorce all get a look-in, as does the mutable nature of family, making it a more thoughtful script than is usual in US wedding movies.

If you can cope with subtitles and take in serious subjects amidst laughter, allow for some in-jokes you won't get about attitudes between, for example, Italian and Dutch and other European countries, you just might enjoy this cheery little visual feast of a wedding movie.
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